SSAFA Borders
Charity Clay Shoot 2023
- 21 Teams of four shooters competed for Team and Individual prizes.
- Six Sporting Stands with Sixty Clay Team Flush.
- Team and Individual competition prizes.
- Breakfast Rolls with tea and coffee plus lunch provided.
- Clays and Cartridges included.
- Bright sunny weather prevailed.
- Fantastic facilities and service provided by Bisley at Braidwood.
- Over £6,000 raised for SSAFA Borders.
Meet The Teams
Team SSAFA Borders

John Currie, SSAFA Borders Branch Fundraiser
and organiser of the 2023 shoot…
A Fantastic Turnout:
“SSAFA Borders once again held its annual charity clay shoot on Sunday 16 April 2023 at Bisley Braidwood Selkirk. This year we were supported by 21 teams, an increase of 6 teams on last year, demonstrating the popularity and enjoyment of this excellent shoot. The Bisley team were on top form and an exciting, challenging and in some cases demanding layout was provided“.
“My thanks to everyone involved in the planning, organising and delivery of this event. Special thanks once again to all the Bisley team without whom the day would not be the success it was and to the many volunteers who came on board to make it work”.
A High Standard:
“The standard of shooting was high with the winning high gun achieving a score of 58 out of 60, something I have dreamed about achieving but never will!! All shooting abilities participated and just enjoyed a day out with like-minded people who’s aim was to do their best but mainly to support what the charity does for our Armed Forces community.
This year and through the superb generosity of donations of prizes for our draw, participants and volunteers and sponsors we raised around £6,000, a magnificent achievement and funds that will go directly to supporting those who have given so much for their country and the families who were always behind the scene supporting our servicemen and women“.
Thank You:
“My thanks also to the SSAFA team who gave up their weekend to assist and who throughout the year are working and supporting service personnel needing our help.
And finally, to all those who participated in the day, without you we would not have raised this money, awareness of the charity or the success of the 2023 SSAFA Charity shoot, thank you”.
“This was another fantastic clays competition organised by Borders SSAFA and supported so well by Bisley at Braidwood.
The organisation was superb, the competition was sharp but good-humoured and some really good shots produced some outstanding scores.
As a King’s Own Scottish Borderer it made me proud so see the Scottish Borders doing so much for such a good cause as SSAFA.
Thanks go to everyone involved for raising over £6,000.”
Countdown to SSAFA Borders Team Clay Shoot 2025